Should I consider working as a freelancer? 🤔 

Hmm, there’s no consistency, not enough jobs, and it’s tough to start, I know. You need a portfolio, but nobody will hire you without one. I need to be an expert, I need to feel confident and know everything before I start…

Oh, and yes, everyone will ask how many years of experience I have… there’s no space for me in this field; it’s not for me… 🤦🏼‍♂️

Really?? Seriously???

Okay, I understand, I KNOOOW! I’ve been in your shoes because that’s how I started. But look, I got my first client as a freelancer four years ago, with no previous experience and no portfolio… not a fucking single project. You wonder how?

1️⃣ Curiosity to learn something new
2️⃣ (Mentality) Confidence that I can learn and become anything I want! There’s no such thing that we as humans can’t learn
3️⃣ Consistency
4️⃣ And of course, balls – not being afraid to start something I don’t know

Upwork Journey

I began with Upwork, sending out a lot of proposals each day, saying, 🗣 “Hey, I’d love to help, and here’s how I’m going to help you (bla bla bla)” — writing things about issues I had no clue how to solve or provide a solution for. 😬

Sounds crazy, right? But again, I was confident that I could learn and find a solution! I believe that we as humans have an instinct to learn and do anything when we’re in a ‘challenging/scary/have no clue what to do’ position!

Trust me, dare to have the balls to start something new, go where the challenge is, go where it’s scary, just go. Be confident, and believe, and you will learn how to solve anything! After all, we all have just one fucking life, right? Let’s rock 🤘

See my first client review – the photo below 👇 😊

My Upwork profile

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